Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. ~Hippocrates

Posts tagged ‘frying’

Potato Pancakes (Latkes) for Hanukkah (or any time!)

Remember my post about being able to eat “badly” 20% of the time? Well, true potato latkes (pancakes) probably fit into that category. But heck, Hanukkah comes only once a year. If you want to make them a little healthier, see suggested substitutions at the end, to add some nutrition to the feast. Makes about 25-30 pancakes.

5 lbs. of potatoes, or 5 cups, grated and squeezed
4 eggs, lightly beaten
1 very large sweet onion
8 tbs. flour
1 tsp baking powder
salt and pepper to taste

Peel and grate the potatoes and onion to medium-fine texture
Squeeze out as much liquid as you can
Stir in eggs, salt, pepper
Sprinkle in flour and baking powder
Mix and drop into hot oil to desired size
Cook until crisp and golden brown
Drain on paper towels. Blot the tops.
If serving a bunch at once, keep them warm on a tray in 200 degree oven
Serve with low fat sour cream and/or apple sauce

Leftovers (if there are any) can be frozen

You can substitute some or all of the potatoes with sweet potatoes or zucchini, in equal quantities.

The secret to keeping the latkes crisp is putting them into the pan when the oil is hot enough (but not too hot that they will burn before cooking through) and squeezing out as much liquid from the batter as possible (using a strainer), before cooking.

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