Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. ~Hippocrates

Posts tagged ‘risk of diabetes’

Diet Drinks Increase Risk of Diabetes

This is not good news for those who choose diet soft drinks over regular, believing it will reduce their risk of diabetes. It sounds entirely impossible but the research is solid. The study was large, done by reputable researchers and conclusive. They were able to determine the metabolic mechanisms and behaviors that cause the increased risk. The study was done on women only, so we can only conclude this is true for women, however, subsequent studies are likely to reveal the same for men and for children.

Read the article here:


The best advice, as for with most foods, is to stick with the natural. Juices, while also loaded with sugar, are more natural than soft drinks. Water is even better. No calories and the best thirst quencher there is. Perhaps our bodies simply work better when we treat them with Mother Nature’s original foods.

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