Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. ~Hippocrates

Posts tagged ‘Sour cream’

Passover Foods: good for any time of year

My son was home from school this weekend but opted not to join us at a friend’s seder. While I was disappointed, I was gladdened when he asked the next day, if we could prepare some traditional Passover foods. Even better, we were going to do this together. So I made the chicken soup (which I am famous for, if I say so myself); he made the matzah balls. I made the charoset (see next blog entry for more explanation and recipe); he made the noodle kugel, using a friend’s age-old recipe which is quite delicious and versatile in the possible variations. Here is the recipe:

Makes one 8×8 tray. I usually double it. It can be frozen, then defrosted and reheated, covered.


1/2 lb. medium egg noodles, parboiled. Strain; do not rinse.
3 eggs
8 oz cottage cheese*
1 C sour cream*
2 Tbs. brown sugar 
1 tsp pure vanilla
1 1/2 C milk*
Optional: 1/2 C crushed cornflakes (I don’t use them as I like the browned noodles themselves)
*I use reduced and/or fat free cottage cheese, milk and sour cream. It doesn’t change the taste but cuts out a lot of fat.
Variations: you can add 1/2 of chopped apples, raisins or cranberries and/or sliced or chopped almonds 

Add all ingredients, mix well and place in greased 8×8′ baking pan. Top with cornflakes if desired. Bake at 325 degrees for 55 minutes or until the noodles begin to brown. Remove and let settle for 10 minutes before cutting.

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